THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Drikung Dharma Surya Center are un-paid Volunteers. 100% of your contributions for the Center Project will be used for the Center Project.
We sincerely appeal to all individuals and organizations, dharma brothers and sisters, to support and help to contribute towards the fulfillment of this enriching Mission for the benefits of all sentient beings.
Donations in any amount are warmly welcome and greatly appreciated.
Drikung Dharma Surya Center is a IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit religious organization.
All Donations are 100% Tax Deductible.
ALL SUPPORTERS WILL be recognized for cumulative monetary gifts or equivalent contribution of time, labor,
ALL SUPPORTERS WILL be recognized for cumulative monetary gifts or equivalent contribution of time, labor, skills, etc., towards the construction of the Center. Recognition plaques, engraved with the names of supporters, will be permanently placed in appropriate locations of the Center.
WE WILL SINCERELY STRIVE to fulfill the Vision for a Physical Center and the Construction Plan as described. It is possible there may be adjustments to the plan depending on the support received. We are blessed to have this opportunity to serve and have faith that we can meet with great success as the need is great and we have many good examples to follow.
For special gifts to the Center Project, please Contact Us.
To Donate by Check – Please make checks payable to the “Drikung Dharma Surya Center” and indicate “DDSC Physical Center” in the memo area. Mail the check to: Drikung Dharma Surya Center, 5300 Ox Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030, USAa
Donations are Gratefully Appreciated
Please click to make your secure donation via Credit Card.
Use PayPal for Your Donation
Please click below to make your donation via PayPal.
Donations for 1,000 Buddha Statues
To help us in sustaining Drikung Dharma Surya Temple, we humble request you to consider sponsoring one thousand (1,000) Buddha statues currently residing in the temple’s shrine room.
According to the Buddhist sutra, we are living in an enormous cycle of time known as The Fortunate Aeon. It is fortunate because it is believed that one thousand (1,000) Buddhas will take birth, attain enlightenment, and teach the path to liberation. Of the 1,000 Buddhas in this aeon, Buddha Shakyamuni was only the fourth (4th).
Your US $1,000 donation will sponsor one Buddha statue of 8″ tall. The name(s) of the person(s) to whom the statue is dedicated will appear on a plaque below the statue. The Buddha statues are purified of defilements and blessed by His Holiness the 37th Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang and His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche as well as many other gurus from other Buddhist traditions.
These 1,000 Buddha statues surround the temple’s main Buddha Shakyamuni, White Tara and Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara statues, which are consecrated with the relics of Lord Buddha Shakyamuni and other enlightened Masters. The Buddha relics have tremendous power and can bring great blessings to individuals and the surroundings.
By sponsoring one of the 1,000 Buddha statues, you will not only bring blessings to yourself, your family, and your home or business, but you will accumulate immeasurable merits by contributing to Drikung Dharma Surya Center. Even beyond this lifetime, you will gather merits for as long as this temple exists.
View Registry of Sponsors Here
Special Recognition Plaque
To pay off Temple mortgage debt.
While we continue to work tirelessly to fulfill the envisioned Buddha Dharma mission, the DDSC temple is still owing a private loan of US$ 186,000.00 for mortgage debt at present.
To discuss this special contribution, please contact us.
Email : drikungdharmasurya@gmail.com
Khenpo Sampdup: (937) 581-3181 (USA)
Fawn Bui: (703) 623-5492 (USA)
Mailing Address: 5300 Ox Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030, U.S.A.