Lamp Offerings / Prayers to Dispel & Purify Obstacles
Sponsor Lamp Offerings
Please use the form on the right column to sponsor the Lamp Offerings of your choice. Descriptions of each Lamp Offerings are provided below.
- 108 butter lamps$50.00Special Butter Lamp Offering during Dharma Teachings or Retreat (108 butter lamps)
Lighting butter lamps has become a method of making offerings since Buddha Shakyamuni attained enlightenment 2,500 years ago. Among the 10 offerings (incense, flowers, lamps, ointments, fruit, tea, food, treasures, beads, and clothing), lamps are essential as they symbolize Buddha’s realization dispelling the darkness of ignorance that obscures the mind’s true nature.  Thus, lamp offering is associated with wisdom and great good fortune.  For Tibetan Buddhist practitioners, a butter lamp offering also carries the wish to attain Buddhahood and the aspiration to recognize the clear light at the time of death, thereby experiencing liberation in that moment.
Lamp offerings are best made before consecrated representations of fully awakened wisdom, loving-kindness, and compassion. With its magnificent Buddha Shakyamuni, White Tara and Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara statues consecrated with the relics of Lord Buddha Shakyamuni and other enlightened Masters embedded and sealed inside the statues, the main shrine room at DDSC temple offers a most auspicious setting for making lamp offerings. The Buddha relics are known to have tremendous power and can bring great blessings to individuals and the surroundings. Here, butter lamps burn continuously each day during Dharma teachings or retreat, radiating the prayers and aspirations made by the ordained sangha and numerous sangha members and visitors.
Because of the association with great good fortune, butter lamp offerings are made for any individual or family life event or celebration, such as the marriage of a couple, the birth of a child, the graduation of a son or daughter, the birthday of a friend, and the wedding anniversary of one’s parents. Butter lamp offerings may also be made in difficult times. The gift of light and the accompanying prayers help to bring about less suffering and greater happiness in times of illness, after difficult changes in one’s life, loss, uncertainty, and also after the death of a relative. Lamps may be offered for a parent who is facing an operation, for a friend changing careers, for a student facing a difficult exam, and for a family member experiencing extreme stress.
- Crystal Lamp Offering to Purify and Remove Obstacles for the Entire Year$100.00
– One (1) Crystal Lamp for one (1 ) person or family up to five (5) members
– Long life Buddha
– Medicine Buddha
– Buddha Dzambhala
Lighting lamps has become a method of making offerings since Buddha Shakyamuni attained enlightenment 2,500 years ago. Among the 10 offerings (incense, flowers, lamps, ointments, fruit, tea, food, treasures, beads, and clothing), lamps are essential as they symbolize Buddha’s realization dispelling the darkness of ignorance that obscures the mind’s true nature.  Thus, lamp offering is associated with wisdom and great good fortune.  For Tibetan Buddhist practitioners, a lamp offering also carries the wish to attain Buddhahood and the aspiration to recognize the clear light at the time of death, thereby experiencing liberation in that moment.
Lamp offerings are best made before consecrated representations of fully awakened wisdom, loving-kindness, and compassion. With its magnificent Buddha Shakyamuni, White Tara and Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara statues consecrated with the relics of Lord Buddha Shakyamuni and other enlightened Masters embedded and sealed inside the statues, the main shrine room at DDSC temple offers a most auspicious setting for making lamp offerings. The Buddha relics are known to have tremendous power and can bring great blessings to individuals and the surroundings. Here, lamp is lighting continuously for one (1 ) person or family up to five (5) members for the entire year, radiating the prayers and aspirations made by the ordained sangha and numerous sangha members and visitors.
Because of the association with great good fortune, lamp offerings are made for any individual or family life event or celebration, such as the marriage of a couple, the birth of a child, the graduation of a son or daughter, the birthday of a friend, and the wedding anniversary of one’s parents. Lamp offerings may also be made in difficult times. The gift of light and the accompanying prayers help to bring about less suffering and greater happiness in times of illness, after difficult changes in one’s life, loss, uncertainty, and also after the death of a relative. Lamps may be offered for a parent who is facing an operation, for a friend changing careers, for a student facing a difficult exam, and for a family member experiencing extreme stress.