2023 Event Gallery
Heart Sutra Teaching – Drikung Phowa – Meditation Practices
30 – 31 December 2023
@ DDSC In-Person and Virtual ZOOM
…to be led by Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche with Khenmo Tsechik and Lopön Ani Gamtso
*** 30 December 2023, 10AM – 12PM & 2PM – 4PM EST: Heart Sutra Teaching & Meditation Practice
*** 31 December 2023, 10AM – 12PM & 2PM – 4PM EST: Drikung Phowa Teaching & Practice
Suggested Donation: $40 / person
- Any donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
Registration required at:
- drikungdharmasurya.org/upcoming-events/
- [email protected]
Click here for Registration for Zoom link:

Lamp Offerings:
*** If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) or Crystal Lamp Offering (1 Year) during this Special Teaching for Dedication of Merits to Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/lamp-offerings/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/, and provide us with names in request submission.
*** For Pujas for the Deceased Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-deceased/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/ and provide us with names in request submission.
Event Details:
Practice Texts
- Opening and Closing Prayers: Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
- Short Drikung Phowa Practice (Tibetan_English_Spanish)
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
bestowed on-line by H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
09 DECEMBER 2023, 11 AM – 2 PM EST
Time Schedule: USA & North American
11 AM – 2 PM EST
10 AM – 1 PM CST
9 AM – 12 PM MST (AZ)
8 AM – 11 AM PST
Time Schedule: Asia, Europe, South America & Australia
Available Translation: Multiple Languages including English, Vietnamese, Chinese, Mongolian, German, Spanish & Russian
Offered to the general public from all walks of life and all walks of faith.
Imagine if every thought, every word, every action was for the benefit of all beings. When you see how your love touches others, it will become your happiness to give your happiness away. Love is the only cause of happiness. Its nature is all-pervasive like space. Love is the Sunlight of Mind – H.E. GARCHEN RINPOCHE
Join us in person at Drikung Dharma Surya Center, or from your location around the world, to receive this very special and profound teaching live via ZOOM as H.E. Garchen Rinpoche bestows the Immeasurable Love from Arizona.
Suggested Donation: $40 / person
- Any donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
Registration required at:
- drikungdharmasurya.org/upcoming-events/
- [email protected]
Click here for Registration for Zoom link:

Lamp Offerings:
*** If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) or Crystal Lamp Offering (1 Year) during this Special Teaching for Dedication of Merits to Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
*** For Pujas for the Deceased Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-deceased/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/ and provide us with names in request submission.
Event Details:
Practice Texts
- Opening and Closing Prayers: Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala – Initiation – Sadhana Practices & Teachings – Healing & Purification Rituals – Dissolution / Distribution of Sand Mandala
Led by XIV Siling Tongkhor Rinpoche with Monastics of Sera Mey Monastery, India, and Lopön Ani Konchok Gamtso & Khenmo Konchok Tsechik
Organized by Drikung Dharma Surya Center (DDSC) & Partners for Tibetan Education (PTE)
6-DAY SCHEDULE: 14 to 19 November 2023, Tuesday – Sunday, EDT Time
Meeting ID: 844 3573 9747
Passcode: Medicine
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Tuesday thru Friday, November 14 to 17 (at DDSC) Friday, November 17 (at DDSC) 7:15 PM EST: Public Talk “Medicine Buddha Teaching for Mental and Physical Healing” Saturday, November 18 (at DDSC) 10:30 AM EST: Medicine Buddha Initiation to be bestowed by the XIV Siling Tongkhor Rinpoche accompanied by the freshly constructed Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala (In-Person Only @ DDSC Temple, NO on-line Zoom) Noon: Group Photo & Lunch 2:00 PM EST: Chanting of the condensed Medicine Buddha Rituals 3:30 PM EST: Tea Break 4:00 PM EST: The XIV Siling Tongkhor Rinpoche leads Discourse on the Medicine Buddha Sadhana and other Daily Practices 5:00 PM EST: Dedication Prayers Sunday, November 19 (at DDSC) Noon – Lunch 1:30 PM EST: Introduction to the Medicine Buddha Mandala and Interactive Talk with Sunday School students and Mandala Circumambulation 2:00 PM EST: The Noble Sangha performs Medicine Buddha Purification Rituals for the Deceased (Jang-wa), while General Public Recite Medicine Buddha Mantra 3:30 PM EST: Tea Break 4:00 PM EST: Acknowledgement Remarks, Dissolution of the Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala, followed by Dedication, Closing Prayers, Khata Offering, and Distribution of Mandala Sand to Attendees.
Construction of Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala @ DDSC, 16 November 2023, by Geshe Gelek Choedup of Sera Mey Monastery with Khenmo Tsechik and Lopön Ani Gamtso
Recitation of Condensed Medicine Buddha Sadhana @ DDSC, 19 Nov 2023, with Sera Mey Monastics
10 AM to 4 PM EST: Public Viewing of the Construction of the Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala
7:00 PM EST: Blessing Prayers for Medicine Buddha Retreat
10 AM EST: Opening Ceremony and Remarks
10 AM EST: Chanting of the condensed Medicine Buddha Rituals in the Unique Sera Mey Monastery Tradition
Suggested Donation:
- Any donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
Registration required at:
- [email protected]
- drikungdharmasurya.org/upcoming-events/
Lamp Offerings:
*** If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) or Crystal Lamp Offering (1 Year) during this Special Retreat for Dedication of Merits to Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
*** For Pujas for the Deceased Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-deceased/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/ and provide us with names in request submission.
Event Details:
Practice Texts
- Opening and Closing Prayers: Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
100,000 Accumulation Merit Offerings For World Peace
10 -12 November 2023 @ DDSC In-Person & Zoom Worldwide
with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche, Lopön Ani Konchok Gamtso and Khenmo Konchok Tsechik
…organized by Drikung Dharma Surya Center & Capital Area Tibetan Association
*** Friday, 10 November 2023
10AM – 12PM EDT: Guru Rinpoche Bhum Tsok
7PM – 8:30PM EDT: Guru Rinpoche Empowerment
*** SATURDAY & SUNDAY, 11 – 12 NOVEMBER 2023
10AM – 12PM EDT; 2PM – 5PM EDT: Guru Rinpoche Bhum Tsok
*** 3-Day Bhum Tsok Ganachakra Puja
- Offering of 100,000 recitations to invoke the blessings of Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava.
- Great benefits of vast merit, wisdom, and bodhicitta realization to remove obstacles.
- Dedicated to the long-life of H.H. Dalai Lama and all other holy Masters, as well as all loved ones and beings, and for the benefit of World
Peace. - Everyone is welcome to join the pujas, and items of fruit, flowers, and small finger foods will be placed on the altar and offered to all beings at the conclusion of the 3-day puja.
Suggested Donation:
- Any donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
Registration required at:
- [email protected]
- drikungdharmasurya.org/upcoming-events/
Please contact DDSC at: [email protected] if you are out of town participant for the entire in-person retreat and look for accommodation.
Lamp Offerings:
*** If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) or Crystal Lamp Offering (1 Year) during this Special Retreat for Dedication of Merits to Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
*** For Pujas for the Deceased Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-deceased/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/ and provide us with names in request submission.
Event Details:
Practice Texts
- Opening and Closing Prayers: Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
- Sadhana:
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
Buddha Sakyamuni’s Brief Instructions – Jigten Sumgon Guru Yoga – Mahamudra
07 & 08 – 14 & 15 – 21 & 22 – 28 & 29 October 2023; 04 & 05 – 18 & 19 November 2023
10:00 am – 12:00 pm EST & 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm EST
with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche
Khenpo Samdup shares Mahamudra Teachings from Lord Jigten Sumgön: The Spiritual Song “Piercing Dharma’s Key-Point Just Once Will Suffice”
Khenpo Samdup shares one of the beautful and profound teachings from Drikung Kyobpa Jigten Sumgön. These pith instructions pierce thru, illuminating the vital points of the dharma, the heart essence of the Buddha’s teachings and nature of mind.
Khenpo Samdup leads Lama Chopa, Jigten Sumgon Guru Yoga, is a profound and powerful means of cultivating our inner wisdom and compassion through the blessings of our spiritual teachers.
Khenpo Samdup shares short instructions that Buddha gave his disciples while in Shravasti, India and will continue his explanation of how to use traditional techniques of Vipassana, analysis and investigation to come to understand and directly experience the fundamental nature of mind and phenomena.
After attaining enlightenment, Buddha went to Shravasti and gave teachings throughout 25 summer rain retreats. Khenpo Samdup will continue his teachings on the short instructions that Buddha gave his disciples while in Shravasti, India.
Khenpo Samdup was traveling to Rajgir (Vulture Peak) in India, where Buddha turned the second wheel of dharma offering The Heart Sutra and other Prajnaparamita teachings. In the Heart Sutra, through the words of the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara (Tib: Chenrezig), we are introduced to a description of the nature of reality that cuts through our usual conceptual framework. Ultimately, it is a roadmap to realizing the wisdom aspect of enlightenment, frequently described as the union of wisdom and compassion—and embodied by Avalokiteshvara.
Buddha’s Brief Instructions (English)
Buddha’s Brief Instructions (Chinese)
*Online with Mandarin translation available
Click here for the Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
Meeting ID: 892 1520 3598
Passcode: 623864
Lamp Offerings:
*** If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) or Crystal Lamp Offering (1 Year) during this Special Retreat for Dedication of Merits to Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
*** For Pujas for the Deceased Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-deceased/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/ and provide us with names in request submission.
Event Details:
Practice Texts
- Opening and Closing Prayers: Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
Buddha’s Brief Instructions (English)
Buddha’s Brief Instructions (Chinese) - Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
Annual Secret Accomplishment Practice of VAJRAKILAYA Drupchen
September 23 – October 1, 2023 @ Garchen Buddhist Institute (GBI) with His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche and Garchen Institute Lamas
…Join us at DDSC temple with Lopön Ani Konchok Gamtso to Participate On-Line Vajrakilaya Practice
*** September 23 – 30, 2023
9AM – 12PM PDT (Arizona) or 12PM – 3PM EDT (Virginia) Vajrakilaya Practice
2PM – 5PM PDT (Arizona) or 5PM – 8PM EDT (Virginia) Vajrakilaya Practice
7PM – 9PM PDT (Arizona) or 10PM – 12AM EDT (Virginia) Vajrakilaya Practice
*** October 1, 2023 (earlier ended)
9AM – 12PM PDT (Arizona) or 12PM – 3PM EDT (Virginia) Vajrakilaya Practice
Throughout time and space, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have been called to initiate the hearts and minds of their students. Come great ones and with your vajra thunderbolt of wisdom and your hinderance demolishing phurba to once and for all dispel the samsaric seeds of unknowing. Lord of Death, with your spear and trident pierce the veil of ignorance to free us from the path of karmic repetition.
Wrathful Vajrakilaya is the yidam deity who embodies the enlightened activity of all the Buddhas. Vajrakilaya is a wrathful manifestation of Vajrasattva, the Buddha of Purification. This practice focuses on removing intense inner and outer obstacles to peace, happiness, and enlightenment within oneself, the environment and the world at large.
The samaya (sacred promise to your teacher) for taking this empowerment is to never to lose your love for others and ideally do a daily practice of Vajrakilaya or at mininmum recite the Vajrakilaya mantra daily.
This is a wonderful opportunity to practice in this amazingly powerful mandala, for the benefit of all beings.
This is a reminder that H.E. Garchen Rinpoche is instructing everyone to take the Vajrakilaya empowerment online before September 23, the start of Drupchen. If you have not been able to start, please make sure to take the empowerment before proceeding.
CLICK ON THIS LINK for the first part of the empowerment and then,
CLICK ON THIS LINK for the second part of the empowerment.
Suggested Donation:
- Any donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
Registration required at:
- [email protected]
- drikungdharmasurya.org/upcoming-events/
- Please contact DDSC at: [email protected] if you are out of town participant for the entire in-person retreat and look for accommodation.
Lamp Offerings:
*** If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) or Crystal Lamp Offering (1 Year) during this Special Retreat for Dedication of Merits to Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
*** For Pujas for the Deceased Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-deceased/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/ and provide us with names in request submission.
Event Details
- Practice Texts
- Opening and Closing Prayers: Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
- Practice Text: Vajrakilaya Sadhana Book is available at DDSC Temple
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
02 – 03 September 2023 @ DDSC In-Person & Zoom Worldwide
*** Saturday, September 02, 2023
10 AM – 12 PM EDT: Vajrasattva Purification Practices
2 PM – 4 PM EDT: Buddha Amitabha Jangchog Puja for Deceased Parents
7 PM EDT: White Sur Offerings for Deceased, Animals, Hungry Ghosts
*** Sunday, September 03, 2023
10 AM – 12 PM EDT: Guided Silence Meditation
…to be led by Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche with Lopön Ani Konchok Gamtso
In order to pay tribute to the merits of all parents who gave us this life as well as many, many lives in countless time, we follow the filial example of Maha Maudgalyayana. The Buddha explained to Maha Maudgalyayana how one is able to assist one’s current parents and deceased parents in this life and in one’s past seven lives. During this Ullambana Celebration, we show our filial piety by striving to always practice the BuddhaDharma, making offerings to the sangha, and dedicating all good deeds to all the parents in the world and all sentient beings from countless time.
Suggested Donation: $30 / Person / Entire Program
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
Registration required at:
- [email protected]
- drikungdharmasurya.org/upcoming-events/
- Please contact DDSC at: [email protected] if you are out of town participant for the entire in-person retreat and look for accommodation.
ZOOM Log-In:
Meeting ID: 892 1520 3598
Passcode: 623864
Lamp Offerings:
*** If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) or Crystal Lamp Offering (1 Year) during this Ullambana Celebration for Dedication of Merits to Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
*** For Pujas for the Deceased Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-deceased/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/ and provide us with names in request submission.
Event Details
- Practice Texts
- Opening and Closing Prayers: Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
- Practice Text: Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
25 – 27 Aug 2023 @ IN-PERSON DDSC TEMPLE
*** Friday, 25 Aug, 7 PM – 9 PM EDT: Vajrakilaya Empowerment
*** Saturday, 26 Aug, 10AM – 12PM EDT & 2PM – 5PM EDT: Guided Sadhana Practices
*** Sunday, 27 Aug, 10AM – 12PM EDT & 2PM – 5PM EDT: Guided Sadhana Practices
…to be led by Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche with Khenpo Sangpo and Lopön Ani Konchok Gamtso
Wrathful Vajrakilaya is the yidam deity who embodies the enlightened activity of all the Buddhas. Vajrakilaya is a wrathful manifestation of Vajrasattva, the Buddha of Purification. This practice focuses on removing intense inner and outer obstacles to peace, happiness, and enlightenment within oneself, the environment and the world at large. The samaya (sacred promise to your teacher) for taking this empowerment is to never to lose your love for others and ideally do a daily practice of Vajrakilaya or at minimum recite the Vajrakilaya mantra daily.
Suggested Donation: $80 / Person / Entire 3-day Program
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
Registration required at:
- [email protected]
- drikungdharmasurya.org/upcoming-events/
- Please contact DDSC at: [email protected] if you are out of town participant for the entire in-person retreat and look for accommodation.
Lamp Offerings:
*** If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) or Crystal Lamp Offering (1 Year) during this Special Retreat for Dedication of Merits to Parents or Loved Ones, please proceed on DDSC webpage at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
Event Details
- Vajrakilaya Sadhana Practice Texts will be provided to attendants during the Retreat.
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
19 – 20 Aug 2023 @ IN-PERSON DDSC TEMPLE
*** Saturday, 19 Aug, 10AM – 12PM EDT & 2PM – 5PM EDT: Guided 35 Buddhas Confession & Purification Practices
*** Sunday, 20 Aug, 10AM – 12PM EDT & 2PM – 5PM EDT: Guided 35 Buddhas Confession & Purification Practices
…to be led by Khenpo Sangpo with Lopön Ani Konchok Gamtso
Practicing confession to the 35-Buddhas is to purify past negative karmas and create positive merits for realization of the path of enlightenment. Buddha Sakyamuni gave teachings to his followers on the power of confession and revealed different purification methods, such as prostrations to and recitation of the names of the 35 Buddhas, who are all manifestations of Buddha Sakyamuni.
Khenpo Konchok Sangpo was born in Tibet and became a monk at age 12 in 1996 at Ato Tashi Choling Monastery. In 2009, Khenpo Sangpo joined at the Drikung Kagyu Institute and since then to 2013, he studied higher Buddhist philosophy such as Paraja Paramita, Vinaya and Tantra. Since 2014, he has taught Bodhicharyavatara, Madhyamika and Abhidharma Kosha at Kagyu College. In February 2018, under the blessing of His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang, Khenpo Konchok Sangpo was honored with Abbot (Khenpo) title, and designated as the Principal of Kagyu College. Khenpo Sangpo has served as the Principal of Kagyu College from February 2018 to November 2021, and he has continued the teachings on the subjects of Madhyamika and philosophical tenets at Kagyu College.
Suggested Donation: $40 / Person / Entire Program
Registration required at:
- [email protected]
- drikungdharmasurya.org/upcoming-events/
- Please contact DDSC at: [email protected] if you are out of town participant for the entire in-person retreat and look for accommodation.
Lamp Offerings:
* If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) during this Special Program and/or Donation for Dedication of Merits to Loved Ones, please check DDSC webpage links at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
Event Details
- Practice Texts
- Opening and Closing Prayers: Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
- Practice Text:
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
12-13 August & 19-20 August and 09-10 September 2023
Tara Empowerment and Practice
*** 12 -13 Aug 2023: 11:00 AM – 2:30 PM EDT
“The Ultimate Illustrious Tara”
A Weekend of Tara Empowerments & Practice
with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche via ZOOM and Ani Konchok Gamtso @ DDSC In-Person
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT – White Tara Empowerment
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM EDT – White Tara Practice
*** 19-20 Aug 2023: 11:00 AM – 2:30 PM EDT
Buddha Dzambhala Empowerment & Practice
with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche via ZOOM and Ani Konchok Gamtso @ DDSC In-Person
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT – Buddha Dzambhala Empowerment
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM EDT – Buddha Dzambhala Practice
*** 09-10 Sep 2023: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT & 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
Tonglen Meditation Retreat
with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche via ZOOM and Ani Konchok Gamtso @ DDSC In-Person
*Online with Mandarin translation available
Tara is said to have been born from the tears of Chenrezig, deity of great compassion, who wept at the plight of the suffering of sentient beings. She pledged to help him liberate beings. Her female form represents the wisdom that liberates from samsara. Thus, she is also known as the Mother of the Buddhas.
Buddha Dzambhala is connected with wealth, prosperity, and good fortune, allowing one to more effectively practice generosity to benefit other beings.
Tonglen Meditation Retreat is an excellent practice for beginners & all levels of practitioners. Chenrezig practice cultivates wisdom and compassion through visualization, mantra recitation, and meditation, and is a foundation for the practice of Tonglen. Tonglen is a meditation practice that can transform both our personal and collective grief and suffering by awakening the love and compassion that are inherent in all beings.
Suggested Donation:
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
Registration required at:
- [email protected]
- drikungdharmasurya.org/upcoming-events/
Lamp Offerings:
* If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) during this Special Program and/or Donation for Dedication of Merits to Loved Ones, please check DDSC webpage links at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
Event Details
- Practice Texts
- Opening and Closing Prayers: Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
…to pray for the long life of His Holiness the 37th Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang
…to pray for well-being, peace and happiness in the World
with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche and Global Sangha on ZOOM & IN-PERSON @ DDSC Temple with Lopön Ani Konchok Gamtso and local sangha
*** Saturday, 22 July 2023: 10 AM EDT with Songs of Realization Offerings
Please join us at DDDS temple at 10AM EDT with Lopön Ani Konchok Gamtso performing Lama Chopa prayers and offerings for His Holiness Birthday Celebration
ZOOM Log-In:
Meeting ID: 892 1520 3598
Passcode: 623864
Lamp Offerings:
* If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) during this Special Program and/or Donation for Dedication of Merits to Loved Ones, please check DDSC webpage links at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
Event Details
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
Saturday, 22 July 2023: 1PM EDT
@ DDSC Temple In-Person
… organized by Nepalese Tamang Society of Greater Washington
… to be led by Venerable Tulku Losang Namgyal Rinpoche and Khenpo Sarbajit Gongba
Languages: Nepalese and English
Lamp Offerings:
* If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) during this Special Program and/or Donation for Dedication of Merits to Loved Ones, please check DDSC webpage links at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
Event Details
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
Ganges Mahamudra by Tilopa & Vajrasattva Practice
Commentary & Practices
July 15 – 16, 2023
10 AM – 12PM EDT
with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche
In this weekend, Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will continue his European Tour in the Netherlands. Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will impart teachings on the Ganges Mahamudra and lead the sangha in Vajrasattva practice.
As the text states, “…Mahamudra cannot be shown…”. It cannot be explained in words or grasped by the intellect. However, the pith instructions of Tilopa illuminate a clear path of what to practice and what to avoid to realize Mahamudra. Khenpo Samdup will help us understand how we also can practice this path.
*** Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche has requested students attend all sessions.
Ganges Mahamudra Text -Tri-Lingual
*Mandarin translation available
* Online via ZOOM Only
Meeting ID: 892 1520 3598
Passcode: 623864
Event Details
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
…to pray for the long life of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
…to pray for well-being, peace and happiness in the World
@ DDSC Temple
to be led by Drupon Tsering Rinpoche with Lopön Ani Konchok Gamtso
*** Monday, 03 July 2023: 10 AM – 11 AM EDT
Universal Prayer Day / Dzam Ling Chi Sang
*** Thursday, 06 July 2023: 10 AM – 12 PM EDT
Buddha Sakyamuni Prayers, Long-life Puja & Smoke Offering in honor of His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama’s 88th Birthday Celebration
Lamp Offerings:
* If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) during these Special Programs and/or Donation for Dedication of Merits to Loved Ones, please check DDSC webpage links at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
… dedicated for Long Life of His Holiness Dalai Lama, Other Masters and All Beings
In-Person at DDSC Temple & Virtual ZOOM
to be led by Drupon Tsering Rinpoche with Lopön Ani Konchok Gamtso
01 – 02 July 2023; 10 AM – 5PM EDT
- Saturday, 01 Jul, 10AM – 5 PM EDT: White Tara Sadhana Practices
- Sunday, 02 Jul, 10AM – 12 PM EDT: White Tara Sadhana Practices
- Sunday, 02 Jul, 2PM – 5 PM EDT: Mantra Recitation & Puja for the Livings
Registration required:
* For In-Person & Virtual ZOOM, please register at: [email protected]
* Please contact DDSC at: [email protected] if you are out of town participant for the entire in-person retreat and look for accommodation.
ZOOM Log-In Information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 2764 1218
Passcode: whitetara
Lamp Offerings:
* If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) during the WHITE TARA RETREAT and/or Donation for Dedication of Merits to Loved Ones, please check DDSC webpage links at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
Suggested Donation: $60 / person (No one is turned away due to lack of fund)
Event Details
- Practice Texts
- Opening and Closing Prayers: Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
- Practice Text: White Tara Sadhana
- Other Texts: Rainfall of Benefit and Happiness & Torma Offering to the Dharma Protectors -Dharmapala Mahakala
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
CHÖD RETREAT “Cutting Through”
In-Person at DDSC Temple
to be led by Drupon Tsering Rinpoche with Lopön Ani Konchok Gamtso
24 – 25 June 2023; 10 AM – 5PM EDT
- Saturday & Sunday, 24 – 25 Jun, 10AM – 12 PM EDT: Chöd Teachings
- Saturday & Sunday, 24 – 25 Jun, 2PM – 5 PM EDT: Chöd Practices
Registration required:
* For In-Person, please register at: [email protected]
* Please contact DDSC at: [email protected] if you are out of town participant for the entire in-person retreat and look for accommodation.
* If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) during the CHÖD Retreat and/or Donation for Dedication of Merits to Loved Ones, please check DDSC webpage links at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
Suggested Donation: $60 / person (No one is turned away due to lack of fund)
Event Details
- Practice Texts
- Opening and Closing Prayers: Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
- CHÖD Sadhana: Sadhana from the profound teaching of Lord Jigten Sumgon, “The Method of Accumulating Merit by Practitioners (Kushalay Tshog Chod)”
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
DRIKUNG PHOWA RETREAT with Celebrating Full Moon Saga Dawa Duchen
to be led by Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche with Lopön Ani Konchok Gamtso
02 – 04 JUNE 2023
- Friday, 02 Jun, 7 PM – 9 PM EDT: Buddha Amitabha Empowerment
- Saturday, 03 Jun, 10 AM – 5 PM EDT: Phowa Teachings & Practices
- Sunday, 04 Jun, 10 AM – 5 PM EDT: Saga Dawa Prayers & Puja
With Capital Area Tibetan Association (CATA) and local sangha
With Washington DC Mongolian Buddhist Community sangha
Registration required:
* For In-Person, please register at: [email protected]
* For Virtual Zoom access, please register at: drikungdharmasurya.org/upcoming-events/
* Please contact DDSC at: [email protected] if you are out of town participant for the entire in-person retreat and look for accommodation.
* If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) during the DRIKUNG PHOWA RETREAT and/or Donation for Dedication of Merits to Loved Ones, please check DDSC webpage links at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
Suggested Donation: $60 / person (No one is turned away due to lack of fund)
The retreat will be held in person at Drikung Dharma Surya Center as well as virtually via Zoom with global sangha.
Event Details
- Practice Texts
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
4-Day MANI Retreat for World Peace
In-Person at DDSC Temple & Virtual Online with Worldwide Sangha
04 – 07 May 2023; 9 AM – 5PM EDT
led by Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche with Geshe Lobsang Cholphal, Lama Rigzin, Acharya Konchok Chonyi & Venerable Thich Minh Trạm (visiting Lama from Hue, Vietnam)
Registration required:
* For In-Person, please register at: [email protected]
* For Virtual Zoom access, please register at: drikungdharmasurya.org/upcoming-events/
* Please contact DDSC at: [email protected] if you are out of town participant for the entire in-person retreat and look for accommodation.
* If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) during the MANI Retreat and/or Donation for Dedication of Merits to Loved Ones, please check DDSC webpage links at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ OR https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
Suggested Donation: $60 / person (No one is turned away due to lack of fund)
The retreat will be held in person at Drikung Dharma Surya Center as well as virtually via Zoom with global sangha.
The Mani Retreat is centered on the boundless love, compassion, and wisdom of Avalokiteshvara, whose mantra is OM MANI PADME HUNG HRIH. When we recite OM MANI PADME HUNG with the mind to benefit all beings, we are engaging in a profound method that transforms our impure body, speech, and mind to a pure state of body, speech, and mind. Reciting each syllable of the Mani mantra with a mind of bodhicitta closes the doors to the six realms of samsara and frees sentient beings from suffering.
Practice Texts
- Opening and Closing Prayers: Deity Yoga Sadhana Practice Book
Event Details
- The Mani Retreat will start each day at 9 AM and end at 5 PM EDT, with daily teachings and practices at the DDSC Shrine Hall.
- Jangchog Puja for Deceased (Sunday, May 07, 2023)
- Practice books will be provided.
- You are welcome to attend the retreat as your schedule allows.
- Your Donations are deeply and gratefully appreciated, as they will be used to help operate and sustain the Center for the benefit of all beings. Anyone with a wish to participate is welcome to attend, and no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.
“The more Mani mantras we recite, the more love will increase in the minds of sentient beings, the more hatred will decrease. The minds of beings will become peaceful and happy, which will also help one’s country. If the minds of humans become peaceful and happy, then also the minds of spirits will become peaceful and happy. The Mani mantra practice is supreme in order to bring about peace and happiness.”
H.E. Garchen Rinpoche |
Shamatha (Calm Abiding) & Mindfulness Meditation
In-Person Retreat @ DDSC Temple
April 29 – 30, 2023; 9AM – 5PM EDT
led by Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche
Registration required at:
• [email protected]
• drikungdharmasurya.org/upcoming-events/
Suggested Donation: $40 / person (No one is turned away due to lack of fund.)
Stages of Meditation: Awakening the Mind.
Click here for information about the Kindle Edition ebook.
Click here for Apple/ibook information (English).
Apple/ibook information (Spanish)
“Life is short and the time of death is uncertain; so apply yourself to meditation. Avoid doing evil, and acquire merit, to the best of your ability, even at the cost of life itself. In short: Act so that you have no cause to be ashamed of yourselves and hold fast to this rule. All meditation must begin with arousing deep compassion. Whatever one does must emerge from an attitude of love and benefitting others.”
Milarepa |
Dzogchen Bardo Teachings
Ocean of the Single Intention Bardo Prayer
Saturday, March 18 – 25 & April 01
10:00 am – 12:00 pm EST
commentary by Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche
* Online Only
Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will be teaching on the root text of Jigme Lingpa’s famous Ocean of the Single Intention Bardo Prayer which covers the four principal intermediate states in their entirety: the natural bardo of life, the bardo of death, the bardo of dharmata, and the bardo of becoming.
This prayer was one of the heart practices of H. E. Garchen Rinpoche’s Root Guru, Khenchen Münsel.
1st Annual Eight (8) Nyungne (16 Days) Retreats at DDSC Temple (In-Person)
February 26 – March 14, 2023 (Month of Miracles)
led by
Lama Bu Nima and Ani Konchok Gamtso
This Nyungne Retreat will be held after Losar (the Tibetan New Year) during the auspicious Month of Miracles. The Nyungne practice is a profound kriya tantra meditation ritual based on loving-kindness and compassion in the form of Thousand-Armed Chenrezig.
1st Nyungne, starts Feb 26, ends Feb 28: 9AM – 6PM EST (1st Day); 8AM – 6PM EST (2nd Day)
2nd Nyungne, starts Feb 28, ends Mar 02: 9AM – 6PM EST (1st Day); 8AM – 6PM EST (2nd Day)
3rd Nyungne, starts Mar 02, ends Mar 04: 9AM – 6PM EST (1st Day); 8AM – 6PM EST (2nd Day)
4th Nyungne, starts Mar 04, ends Mar 06: 9AM – 6PM EST (1st Day); 8AM – 6PM EST (2nd Day)
5th Nyungne, starts Mar 06, ends Mar 08: 9AM – 6PM EST (1st Day); 8AM – 6PM EST (2nd Day)
6th Nyungne, starts Mar 08, ends Mar 10: 9AM – 6PM EST (1st Day); 8AM – 6PM EST (2nd Day)
7th Nyungne, starts Mar 10, ends Mar 12: 9AM – 6PM EST (1st Day); 8AM – 6PM EST (2nd Day)
8th Nyungne, starts Mar 12, ends Mar 14: 9AM – 6PM EST (1st Day); 8AM – 6PM EST (2nd Day)
Each Nyungne session is a complete whole. Participants can take part in one, several or eight Nyungne sessions. In each Nyungne session, Lunch @12:30 – 2PM EST on 1st day; Fasting on 2nd day ’till 7AM on following day.
* Suggested Donation: $40 / person / each Nyungne session. No one turned away due to lack of fund.
* Please register at: [email protected]
* Please specify which Nyungne #, 1 or several, or all 8 sessions that you register to attend. The temple can also then plan for vegetarian lunch for everyone.
* Please contact DDSC at [email protected] if you are out of town participant for the entire in-person retreat and look for accommodation.
* We kindly remind that on-site attendants must bring along the COVID-19 test kit and must be tested negative at the temple prior to the retreat in order to ensure well-being and safety of everyone in a healthy environment during this 16-day intense Nyungne retreat. Also, if you have had contact with someone who was sick or you are not feeling well, please rest at home and consult with your doctor immediately.
* If you would like to make Special Lamp Offering (108 lamps) during the entire 16-day Nyungne Retreat and/or Donation for Dedication of Merits to Loved Ones, please check DDSC webpage links at https://drikungdharmasurya.org/pujas-for-the-living/ or https://drikungdharmasurya.org/donation/, and provide us with names in request submission.
The practice involves maintaining strict 8 Mahayana Precepts vow and meditating while reciting mantras and prayers, and performing prostrations and visualizations. Undertaken in sets of two days, the first day includes one vegetarian meal at noon, drinking water throughout the day as needed. The second day is a complete fast performed in noble silence.
First time practitioners are encouraged to choose the first Nyungne because the explanations for the meditation will be given then.
The Nyungne is renowned as a superior means to purify negative karma and accumulate great merit. It is said that completing even one Nyungne prevents rebirth in the lower realms, and the practice of eight consecutive Nyungne leads to birth in Buddha Amitabha’s Pure Land of Dewachen.
H.E. Garchen Rinpoche has given this specific message regarding the Nyungne practice series: “Geshe Ngawang Phuntsok Rinpoche said: ‘The Nyungne ritual is simple but has great benefits.’ As said in The Benefits of the Mahayana Sojong Vows, ‘Completing this practice even just once, one could take rebirth in the human or god realm; one could gain a precious human body that leads to temporary happiness and, ultimately, to enlightenment.’ Lama Bu Nima attended the first Nyungne I led in Gargon in 1982, and he has done many more since. He continues to conduct this practice in the traditional way. And now he is responsible for leading this monthly Nyungne retreat.”
2023 LOSAR CELEBRATION at DDSC TEMPLE with Losar Blessings and Gifts
led by
Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche and Ani Konchok Gamtso
Tuesday, February 21, to Friday, February 24, at 10:00 AM – 12:00PM EST
Buddha Shakyamuni, Fortune Dzambhala, White Tara Practices, Achi Chökyi Drolma Smoke Offering
- Saturday, February 25, at 10:00AM – 12:00 PM EST
Buddha Shakyamuni, Fortune Dzambhala, White Tara Practices, Achi Chökyi Drolma Smoke Offering with Prayer Flag Raising Ceremony & Wei Sang Smoke Offering
2023 New Year Blessings @ DDSC Temple with Arjia Rinpoche
by Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche
Online Only
10:00 am – 12:00 pm EST
Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will teach on the Narak Kong Shak, Emptying the Lower Realms from their Very Depths, which is known as one of the most powerful practices of confession and is a powerful prayer for those who have died or are ill.
Click here for the Narak Kong Shak text
Click here for the Vajrasattva text
The Supreme Peace
bestowed on-line by
H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
Hosted by Drikung Dharma Surya Center
04 FEBRUARY 2023, 12:30 PM – 2PM EST
To listen to H.E. Garchen Rinpoche’s Perfection of Patience teaching translated to Tibetan – English, Vietnamese, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Mongolian and German, please click the Youtube link below for each desired Language Translation
Offered to the general public from all walks of life and all walks of faith.
Join us in person at Drikung Dharma Surya Center, or from your location around the world, to receive this very special and profound teaching live via ZOOM as H.E. Garchen Rinpoche bestows the Perfection of Patience from Arizona.
Available Translation: Multiple Languages including English, Vietnamese, Chinese, Mongolian, German, Spanish & Russian
TIME (USA & North America):
12:30 PM – 2 PM EST
11:30 AM – 1 PM CST
10:30 AM – 12 PM MST
9:30 AM – 11 AM PST
For Asia, Europe, South America & Australia:
Please check with www.worldtimebuddy.com
Dream Yoga Bardo Teachings
by Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche
Saturday, January 28 – Sunday, January 29, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
On-Line ZOOM
Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will share dream yoga bardo teachings, illuminating the path to help us prepare for the time of death.
* Mandarin & Spanish translation available
Great Liberation By Hearing Bardo Teachings
by Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche
07 – 08 Jan, 14 – 15 Jan, 21 – 22 Jan 2023, Saturdays and Sundays, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
On-Line ZOOM
Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will continue teaching from the profound book, Bardo Thödol, or Natural Liberation by Hearing in the Intermediate State (also popularly called the Tibetan Book of the Dead).
Click here for the text in English
Click the links below for the Bardo Thodol text in Chinese:
“When my life’s course is ended, and I roam alone in the intermediate states, the loved ones of this world can no longer help me. So [at this critical time] may the Conquerors, the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, [quickly] release the power of their compassion, and may the deep darkness of my ignorance be dispelled.” Aspirational Prayer which Protects from Fear of the Intermediate States