Entries by drikungdharmasurya

Permissions and Prohibitions: Their Mode of Abiding

Permissions and Prohibitions: Their Mode of Abiding May it be virtuous. You master the objects of knowledge, you are the embodiment of compassion, the friends of living beings. I bow down with devotion to the lamas, who show unmistakenly what is to be adopted and what is to be abandoned. You fortunate ones who apply […]

Vows and Commitments

  To understand sacred commitments related to Vajrayana empowerments, it is necessary to place them in the general context of Buddhist vows. Refuge vows Those who follow Buddha’s teachings begin the path by first taking the refuge vows, placing themselves under the protection of the Three Jewels, the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Lay people and […]

The Dalai Lama on "Blessing"

The Dalai Lama: “Let me begin by explaining what we mean by blessing when we talk about a lama’s blessing or the blessing of the Dharma in the Buddhist context. Blessing must come from within your own mind. It is not something that comes from outside, even though we talk about a lama’s blessing or […]

DDSC Monthly — Tara Teaching

Join your palms and recite: We read in the Vimalakirti Nirdesha Sutra, that Tara says: “In this life there is no such distinction as ‘male’ and ‘female,’ ‘self-identity,’ ‘a person,’ nor any perception (of such). Therefore, attachment to the idea of ‘male’ and ‘female’ is quite worthless. Weak-minded worldlings are continually deluded by this.” However, […]

Message From Garchen Rinpoche

Message From Garchen Rinpoche About Supporting DDSC Physical Center VIETNAMESE Message from Garchen Rinpoche on 17 April 2013 Virginia CHINESE Message from Garchen Rinpoche on 17 April 2013 Virginia SPANISH Message from Garchen Rinpoche on 17 April 2013 Virginia-spanish

Importance of Hinayana vows

Importance of Hinayana vows Those who take the major ordination must respect 253 rules related to the life of a bhiksu. Those who take the bodhisattva vows must practice the related precepts. As for the Vajrayana commitments, they are associated with and are given with empowerments. Hinayana vows are, in a way, the basis on […]

The Subduer said that all the unbearable suffering of bad rebirths is the fruit of wrongdoing

The Subduer said that all the unbearable suffering of bad rebirths is the fruit of wrongdoing Therefore, even at the cost of your life, never do wrong –This is the practice of Bodhisattvas The eighth stanza concerns karma, one’s actions or deeds, and the result or consequence of them. In this life, all the suffering […]