Entries by drikungdharmasurya

Social Media Guidelines for so-called Vajrayana students

Social Media Guidelines for so-called Vajrayana students published on January 17, 2013 by Siddhartha’s Intent A Buddhist organization under the direction of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche http://www.siddharthasintent.org/2013/01/social-media-guidelines-for-so.html If you think or believe that you are a student of Vajrayana–whether or not that’s true is another matter–but as long as you think you are a Vajrayana practitioner, […]

The Vajrayana practice is entered through an empowerment.

  To be efficient, the empowerment requires the realization of the master who confers it, as well as confidence and intelligence of the disciple who receives it. These empowerments take the form of various rituals of greater or lesser complexity. During the empowerments of the great tantric deities, the most common and elaborate versions of […]

How to support the love one that passed away

Question: A friend’s … died about … She wants to know how she can best support him/her-­ especially during the next few weeks. Garchen Rinpoche: Your mind is connected to your father’s mind through a bond of love. If you send him pure love, it will melt his self-­grasping. But, your love must also be […]

What does one do if they might be ready to get rid of (or move on from) an attachment, but it might be harmful to those who are attached to you; like older children? Chronic illness etc. may cause you to stay longer

Question: What does one do if they might be ready to get rid of (or move on from) an attachment, but it might be harmful to those who are attached to you; like older children? Chronic illness, etc., may cause you to stay longer. Garchen Rinpoche: The point is not to be attached. If you are […]